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Source: BBC Radio 4 "The Archers" Archers: 2013-04-17 Wednesday http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/archers archers_20130417-1920a.mp3

You are listening to Wednesday's episode of The Archers from BBC Radio 4.

Oh, Tom.

Sorry I forgot my phone. Oh.

I didn't expect you back after milking.

I forgot my phone.

Yeah, you said. I was just getting things ready.

So I see.

Roy's gonna pick me up after work and take me back to ... farm.


So all of this will be out of your way by the time you get back.

I'll just have an empty house.

Don't say that. I'm not doing this lightly.

That doesn't really make any better, Bren.

Tom, please.

Don't worry. I'll get out of your way, just find my phone and leave you in peace.

I rang your mom.


You said she didn't understand. I wanted to explain.

Oh.  Yeah.

So I'm coming to see her at lunch time, just in case you wanted to...

Make myself scarce?

Whatever you want.

What I want is,... Oh Never mind. Mom will be pleased to see you.


Morning, Josh. Hard at work as usual?

Oh, Neil. Good. Hayley said you might come around this morning.

Yeah.  Here I am.

I kept asking her if you'd made a decision, but she said you wanted to tell me yourself.

Yeah that's right.


I'm sorry, Josh.  I'm afraid the answer has to be no.

No? Really?

Yeah I'm afraid so. We were very impressed by you ... to take it on, and all the ideas you had.

Then why aren't you going to let me?

Well, it's just too much for you at this stage of your life.  You are still at school.

school now and I manage.

you know there's much more work

would be if you are


I'll find the time.

Yes I'm sure you would, but we don't think that you should.  You've got exams coming up next year, haven't you?

Oh, exams.

They are important, Josh.

My school work hasn't suffered so far.

why take the risk?  There's no rush.

There is if you are thinking of selling the business.

Well, Look. Hayley and I have been talking about that.  We might be able to hold off for a couple of years.

A couple of years?

Then, if you are still interested, we could consider your offer again.

But that's ages!  I've got so many ideas for the business.  I want to start trying them out now.

You know, Hayley and I would be happy to listen to them.

I want to do them myself.

I understand, Josh.  And it's great that you are so ambitious.

Well then?

But time's just not right now.

Oh, Neil.

It will be, soon.

Not soon enough.


I'm not gonna give up, Neil.

No I didn't imagine you would.


Hey Pip, hang on a minute, can you?

What is it, dad?  I'm late already.

It won't take long.  I need to look through the lambs tomorrow.  I want you to give me a hand.

Oh, I'm not sure.  I've left my diary

look, I've got to go

call later?

Well, don't forget.  I need to know in case...

I don't know why I bother.


going in such a hurry


going to uni.

Never mind about Pip.

to uni?  That's a first.

Never mind about Pip.


school bus

I missed it.

collecting eggs and didn't notice the time.

Oh, Josh, really? ...... Look, I was pleased

little job

It's not a little job.

getting to school

It doesn't.

It has, this morning.

Why is everyone bagging on about school all the time?

Because your education is very important.

Well, you'd better give me a lift then, so I don't miss any more of it.

I won't if you ask me like that.

What am I supposed to do then? Walk?

It's not my fault you are late.  If you want me to do you a favour, you,...

Oh don't bother.  I'll ask mom.  She won't make such a big deal out of it.


More coffee, love?

No, I'm all right.  Thank you.

You had any responses to the pitches you made about your ready meals?

Yeah, quite a few.

Oh that's good.  I mean, you put a lot of work into contacting the retailers individually.


Good spread?

Yeah.  Food halls and department stores, delis, plenty of farm shops.

It really is good news.


You do deserve it.  You worked so hard.

It did seem important once.  I can't think why now.

Oh Tom, you mustn't think like that.

Brenda's moving out today.  So when I get home tonight...

Oh, love.  Look, if you want to come and stay here, just for a few days,...

Thanks mom, but ... ... face being on my own sometime.  I might as well start now.


I'm glad to see you Neil.  I was worried you weren't coming.

I needed to talk to someone first.


A local police community officer.

What?!  I thought I could trust you and now you ... shop me?

Of course I haven't.  I didn't mention any names.

That's a relief.  For a minute,... ...

quite informal ... .... ... police council.  Nice chap.

If you say so.  And?

I just said I'd heard rumours that there were dog fights going on locally.


Like I said, mentioning no names.

What did he say?

Well, the police've heard rumours too.

about it.


said something.  This is terrible.

Why?  Now you know the police is suspicious, ... ... even more reason to get out.

I don't know.

Well, it won't be long for the fight to be discovered.  It's much more sensible for you to go to the police first.  Tell them what you know.

That's easy for you to say.

From what you said, these are seriously dangerous people.

You are not wrong there.

It's gonna take a police to shut them down.  If you go and tell them what know...

Yeah, they'll arrest me.  I provided access to the venue, I've been helping with ... events.  They'll think I'm as guilty as Des.

Not if you cooperate with them.

I've got a police record, Neil.  That's not how it works.

I think you are wrong.

I can't take that chance.  If I go back to prison, Elona will leave me, and, and if she did,... Look, I just can't do it.

All right, all right, all right......... How about this then?  Suppose you do agree to help with the next dog fight.


And then after everyone's inside, you ... and tip off the police.  You won't be there, and Des and his mates will be arrested.

Yeah.  And if Des


that would be worse than prison.

Why would he?  Who's gonna tell him? ... ... police catch him red-handed, that's the evidence


I suppose

might work

to be frank

I don't see

other options you've got left

No.  You might be right.

You let the police know when the next fight

be a bit of a problem. ... ... supposed to be this Sunday.

Well then.

Yeah, but it isn't usually confirmed until last minute.

That's fine.  Look.  You tell me as soon as you know, and I'll tip the police off.

Well, how will you say you know?

"More rumours", "I saw something suspicious."  I'm not gonna say you told me.


Hi dad.

Oh hi Pip.  So what's the verdict?

I'm really sorry dad, but I'm afraid I won't be able to help you.

Oh Pip, why not?  I mean, if you've got a ... I understand but

I know, I know. It's not that

You know

placement interview

coming up

That's not

next week, is it?




I'm sure

but does it have to be tomorrow?

Afraid so.  I want to do some research

university library, and that's the only day I'll be able to do it.

Oh, right.

want me for the sheep.

No. No of course not.

really even know that

farm in Yorkshire


And I know how dissapointed you and mom were ... ... interviews didn't work out.

Well, maybe if you hadn't left it so late,...

I know, and, this could be my last chance.  So, that's why I need to try and give it my best shot.

Yeah.  Yeah of course you do.

I'm sorry about the lambs.  But,...

No. Don't worry.  I'll manage.

Thank you dad.  I knew you'd understand.

Well, thanks for ringing.

That's OK.  I'll see you later.  Bye.


Hey, Spencer. Yeah. We are on for tomorrow. London, here we come.


So Helen went out with this new man in the evening?

Jonathan. Yes.  He took her to a lovely restaurant.  I think it was a great success.

Oh, I'm really pleased for her.

Yeah.  It's nice that one of my children's love life is going well.

Pat, I'm so sorry.

No, no no, I'm sorry I didn't mean to snipe at ... It's just,...

I know I've hurt Tom. I'm ... ... desparately sad about that.

I'm sure you are.

I just couldn't go on pretending. ... ... fair on neither of us

Is that the way you saw it?

We just want such different things.

I know Tom can be a bit obsessive about his business, but now I think he understands there are more important things.

He doesn't need to change the way he thinks.  His enthusiasm and energy, they are great qualities.

Maybe, but...

What he needs, what he deserves, is someone who can get as involved as he is, a true partner.

I think he's settled for you.

It's not just the business.  Tom wants children.  I couldn't deprive him of that.

You really think

not for you?

It's a big thing, even these days, for a woman to say she doesn't want children.

It seems hard for people to hear it.  I knew you would understand.

I think I do.

You've always been such a good friend to me, and a role model.

Have I?

Yeah.  Mom is great.  I loved her so much and miss her every day, but she was very traditional.

Yeah, she was.  Dear Betty.

Dad and me and Roy, her friends, the village, that was enough for her, and there's nothing wrong with that, but,...

It's not what you want?

I don't know what I want.  But I can't follow that path.  That's why I've always admired you.

I don't think I've wondered very far from that path.

But you can see other possibilities.

Maybe.  I should tell you that's not always a blessing.

I've got to try.  Just wish ... ... hurt so many people along the way.

Maybe that's inevitable.

Not just Tom.  Tony's always treated me like a daughter, and you've been such a good friend.

That's meant a lot to me, too.

I hope we don't have to lose that.

I hope so too.  But it's gonna take time, Brenda.

To forgive me?

To grieve. We all need time to mourn what might have been.